Monday, March 2, 2009

Authoring Tip # 3 - Multimedia

Time for another fmCASES authoring tip! This week, we discuss a critical component of every virtual patient case: Multimedia.

As you might have noticed, one of the first, standard cards we built in your case is the “Multimedia Outline”. We designed these tables for authors to map out, card by card, the multimedia you have or intend to include in your cases. In order to add text to the table, just open the edit window and click your cursor within the individual cell. Although we plan to take the clinical scenario images for your cases, this is a great place to make specific suggestions about how you want these photos set up and what they should demonstrate (i.e. specific techniques, positions, materials, etc.). The more specific you are in your notes, the higher quality the photos will be.

This table can also be used for non-clinical scenario images, such as x-rays, growth charts, breath sounds, or medical forms. Again, we ask that authors supply this more technical media, as you know best what contributes to the teaching of your case. Please remember that when you locate multimedia for your case, it is necessary to also retrieve the appropriate permissions for use. If you don’t already have the Multimedia Consent Form document, it can be downloaded from the fmCASES wiki as an attachment within the “Authoring Resources”. When you do secure multimedia and the necessary permission, please attach it to the appropriate card.

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